Submit a Talk to PyConZA 2017
Talk Submissions are Closed
The PyConZA 2017 schedule is full. Thank you to all who submitted talks.
If I'm a speaker, do I need to purchase a ticket?
Yes. Python conferences have long had a policy of everyone pays. Even the organizers have to purchase tickets.
When is the talk submission deadline?
PyConZA is a small conference and as a result we seldom have many more talk submissions than places for talks. As a result, we're often accepting talks until shortly before the conference. A deadline for talk submissions would discourage late submissions, which we'd like to avoid doing. The important date is the beginning of August, which is when we start accepting talks. :)
How do I edit my talk submission?
Your talk submissions will be listed on your profile page. If you go to the individual proposal page by clicking on the talk title, you should see an "Edit" button on the right of the title. Note that you can only edit the proposal while it's under consideration. Once a final decision has been made, it can no longer be edited. If you need to add or edit something after a proposal has been accepted, please contact the talk committee with the details.